Public Hearing & Electors Meeting



8800 County Road II

PO Box 338

Fremont, WI  54940

Phone:  920-446-3837

Fax:  920-446-2491

Email:  [email protected]


To Whom It May Concern:

Below is NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS being published in the COUNTY POST WEST and the WINNECONNE NEWS.  The notice represents a general description of proposed actions which are regulated by the TOWN OF WOLF RIVER ZONING ORDINANCE and/or Wis. State Statutes.


 The Town of Wolf River Zoning Committee and Plan Commission will hold a Public Hearing at the Wolf River Town hall on August 28th, 2017 at 6:00pm to consider the following case:

Explanation: The following parcels are being removed from Winnebago County zoning and added to Town of Wolf River zoning:


Parcel #                                Owner(s)                                                                           Address                              City/State/Zip

0320346                Bryan & Chris Hahn                  8861 Wolf River Rd          Fremont, WI  54940

032034601           Bryan & Chris Hahn                  8861 Wolf River Rd          Fremont, WI  54940

032034602           Gerald Van Dyn Hoven           8839 Wolf River Rd          Fremont, WI  54940

0320347                Robert Schnettler                     8897 Wolf River Rd          Fremont, Wi  54940

0320348                Allen E Mies                             8891 Wolf River Rd          Fremont, WI  54940

0320350                Bartel Family Land LLP          8723 Wolf River Rd          Fremont, WI  54940

032035001      Susan Sokulski & Wendy Schuelke, et al       8723 Wolf River Rd      Fremont, WI  54940

0320353                Bryan Hahn & Jeanne Hahn       8761 River Trail Dr          Fremont, WI  54940

032035302           Philip & Eileen Hering              8719 River Trail Dr          Fremont, WI  54940

032035304           Bryan Hahn & Jeanne Hahn         8761 River Trail Dr          Fremont, WI  54940

032035306           Bruce &  Mary Worzella                  8727 River Trail Dr          Fremont, WI  54940

032035503           Mykel Kaufmann Jr                         417 Wolf River Dr             Fremont, WI  54940

03200356             Bartel Family Land LLP                8723 Wolf River Rd          Fremont, WI  54940


All interested persons wishing to be heard at the Public Hearing are invited to be present.

For further information concerning these notices, contact Lee Robbert at 920-836-3681.



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, August 28, 2017, immediately following the conclusion of the Public Hearing to remove parcels from Winnebago County zoning and add to Town of Wolf River zoning, described above, a SPECIAL TOWN MEETING  of the electors will be held, called pursuant to Sections 60.12 (1)(c) and 60.10(2)(g) of the Wisconsin Statutes, by the Town Board, for the following purposes: To authorize the Town Board to sell or donate a small portion of land to Hope United Church of Christ for the purpose of installing a parking lot. The land is part of the Wolf River Cemetery, located at 8950 Alpine Road, Fremont, Wisconsin, found entirely in Section 8, T20N, R14E, Town of Wolf River, Winnebago County, WI. The approximate dimensions are as follows: 103.18 feet by 108.25 feet by 63 feet by 108.25 feet.

Public input is welcome and all residents are encouraged to attend. All interested persons wishing to be heard at the Special Meeting of the Town Electors are invited to be present. This issue will be considered by and acted upon, by the Town Board, at the regular Meeting of the Town Board, to be held following the SPECIAL TOWN MEETING of the electors, on Monday, August 28, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.

For further information concerning these meetings, contact Susan Gilbert, Town Clerk, at 920-446-3837.


Dated this 28th day of July, 2017.


Respectfully submitted:

Susan J. Gilbert, Clerk